understanding and history of the sport

 understanding and history of the sport

History of Sport and Exercise can teach us the meaning of the changes in society and about the sport itself. Sport seems to involve basic human skills being developed and trained for his own benefit, that goes along with being exercised for their usefulness. This shows that the sport is probably as old as human existence itself, which has a purpose, and is a useful way to enhance their ability to conquer nature and the environment.Sport (Sports) comes from the Latin "disportare" or "deportare" in Italian "Deporte" which means penyenangan, maintenance or entertaining to have fun. It could be said that sport is a human activity to entertain themselves while maintaining physical. While between sport and play there is a close relation has a structural nature, that sport is a form of play that is more perfect. But it is not to say that all forms of play is sport. Sport is something that evolved from the play, is the result of a combination of:a. The need for physical agilityb. The need for the ability to cope with the situationc. The need to reach the values ​​of beautyd. The need for an invigorating excitement (recreational)Sports, (sport) is a combination of all the physical exercises organized by the voluntary effort to strengthen and train the body, so also in line with the advancing concentration, willpower.However, if we look backward over again Words Sport (sport) can never be separated from the following factors:A. Pre-History 2. Ancient China 3. Ancient Egypt 4. Ancient Greece 5. European and global developmentsPrehistory (prehistoric)Many modern discoveries in Francis, Africa and Australia at the cave paintings (look like Lascaux) from prehistory which provide evidence of ritual practice. Some of this evidence comes from 30,000 years ago, by carbon dating. Painting / stone-age drawings were discovered in the Libyan sand showing off some of the activities, swimming and archery. The art itself is a testament to the interest in expertise has nothing to do with ability to survive, and is proof that there is free time to enjoy. It also proved non-functional activities such as ritual and so on. Thus, although little direct evidence of sport from these sources, it is reasonable to conclude that there is some activity at these times resembling sport. Captain Cook, when he first came to the Hawaiian Islands, in 1778, reported that the native people surfing. The native American Indians to join in games and sports before the arrival of the Europeans, such as lacrosse, several types of ball games, running and other athletic activities. Mayan and Aztec culture plays a ball game seriously. Field used previously are still in use today. It is reasonable to conclude from this and other historical sources that sport has roots that come from humanity itself.Ancient ChinaWell according to the history of Ancient China There are artifacts and buildings which show that the Chinese people associated with sports activities yangkita defined as earlier in the year 4000 BC. The origin and development of China's sports activities seem closely related to production, work, war, and entertainment at that time. Gymnastics appears to have been a popular sport in China's past. Of course now, as the skill of Chinese acrobats is internationally renowned. China has a Beijing Museum which is dedicated to the subject of Chinese sport and its history.Ancient EgyptPharaonic monuments to show that some sports were well developed and regulated several thousands of years ago, including swimming and fishing. This is not surprising given the importance of the Nile to the lives of the Egyptians. Other sports included javelin throwing, high jump, and wrestling. Again, the existence of a popular sports show proximity to non-sports activities everyday.Ancient GreeceWide range of sports has been around since the time of the Kingdom of Ancient Greece. Wrestling, Running, boxing, javelin and disc throwing, and chariot racing were prevalent. This suggests that the military culture of Greece was an influence on the development of their sport. Olympic Games are held every four years in Greece. Games were held not only as a sporting event, but also as a celebration for individual splendor, cultural and artistic variety and also a place to show innovation in the field of architecture and sculpture. Fundamentally, this is the time to give thanks and worship the gods of the Greek religion. The games are named after Mount Olympus, a sacred place where the gods of his life. Declared a truce during the Olympic Games, such as military action and public executions were suspended. This is done so that people can celebrate in peace and competing in a cultured atmosphere and mutual respect.European and global developmentsSome historians-notably Bernard Lewis-claim that team sports are the invention of Western culture. Individual sports, like wrestling and archery, are practiced throughout the world. But the tradition of team sports, according to these authors, are from Europe, especially England. (There is a counter-note include kabaddi in India and Mesoamerica some ball games.) Sport has been increasingly organized and berkalasejak Ancient Olympics up to this century. Activities undertaken to meet the needs of food and survival became regulated activities done for pleasure or competition on an increasing scale, such as hunting, fishing, horticulture. Industrial Revolution and mass production brought increased leisure which allowed increases in spectator sports, less elitism in sports, and access to large yanglebih. This trend continued with the advent of mass media and global communications. Professionalism became prevalent, further increasing the popularity of the sport. This may be contrasted with the noble Grecian, where a victory in the game are rewarded with a very simple, and be rewarded with an olive branch. (Perhaps not only the crown of olive leaves, some authors note.) May be a reaction to the demands of contemporary life, there are developments in sport which are best explained by post-modern: extreme ironing being a notable example. Also there are new discoveries in the field of adventure sports in the form of escape from the routine of daily life, such as white water rafting, canyoning, BASE jumping and more polite, orienteeringYaa so first a brief history of sports this article I deliberately arrange to share the info to all the buddies that where the content we have taken from various sources ...thankkss hope to benefit ..
 examples of sports

     weight lifting
     Motorcycle racing
     water polo
     Martial arts

     table tennis