long jump

long jump

imageAn activity of movement which carried on in leaps and bounds to achieve leap-sejauhnya who so far. Field size of the long jump for distanceprefix pedestal run up to 45m beam, the beam pedestal 10cm thick, 1.72 m long, 30cm wide, like a long leap 9m, width 2.75m, depth of ± 1 meter jump tub. Long jump motion is the motion of a combination of speed (speed), power (stenght), Flexibility (flexibility), Endurance (Endurance), Accuracy (acuration).The researchers proved that a long jump performance depends on the speed rather than the prefix or square off. therefore, in addition to having a good sprint ability to be supported also by the ability of the repulsion of the legs or pedestal.Long jump is one of the numbers jump transmissible than jump, high jump, pole vault and high jump. Goal is the long jump jump jump as far as possible by moving the whole body of the specific points to another point, by way of sprint and then refused, suspended in the air and landed.There are three ways the attitude in the air (force) in the long jump, including:a). style squat (squat to be flying time)b). Style Resilience (dilentingkan loss of time in the air) or often called a hanging style.c). gait in the air (air time on the legs moving as if walking).B. . Long jump techniqueA. . Basic Long Jump TechniquesMechanical or continuity of the long jump movement can be divided as follows:a). prefix or square offSquare off goal is to get the highest possible speed in order to push forward a larger mass. Square off distance depends on the maturity and ability berekselerasi kecepatanya, and to improve the speed required square off a good exercise program, and also the accuracy of rivet. As the provision of training within a short square off with the start of the 5 steps, 7 steps, 9 steps, and so on while watching leg when rested.Prefix prefix length to carry out the long jump of not less than 45 meters.How to perform a prefix or square off the long jump as follows:1). Lari square off depending on the capabilities of each.2). Add a speed run square off little by little before or contrary rests on the fulcrum block.3). Waist down sedikitpada one square off the final step.b). pedestal or repulsionIs a movement that is important to determine the outcome of the sempurrna leap. Rivet body when not too inclined to do as run / square off. The foundation must be strong, quick and active body balance is maintained so as not to wobble / shake. Little weight on the front of the fulcrum, the movement of the heel of the foot menelapak to toe, with a fast tempo. Movement of the arm swing is helpful to add height and also maintaining the balance of the body.Pedestal or legs should be strong repulsion in order to achieve high enough leap forward without losing speed. Swing leg is actively driven to help increase weight and maintain weight balance slightly in front of the fulcrum.How to perform a pedestal or repulsion as follows:1). Swing thigh and leg positions of horizontal and maintained.2). Align the ankle joints, knees, and hips in waktumelakukan repulsion.3). Bertolaklah forward and upward.4). Tolakan45 degree angle.c). Hovering in the airDrift motion at the time after leaving the beam support and sought a balance is maintained with the help of both hands to move the swing in the air. To perform this movement there are a few techniques. First, Hovering with a squat stance by the rivet leg swinging as high knee lift, followed by a pivot foot and then both feet before landing brought to the front. Second, Hovering in a manner that is time dependent manner rivet do it swing left leg hanging straight, body upright and then followed by a foot pivot with knees bent with a hip attitude pushed forward and then the two arms stretched upward. The balance of the body need to be considered in order to stay tepelihara to land ..d). LandedMovements should be two feet when landing. Of particular interest is the second leg on landing landing simultaneously followed by the hips thrust forward so that the body does not tend to fall into the back of the resulting adverse jumper itself. To avoid landing on the buttocks, head lowered and arms swinging forward when the feet touch the sand. Point the weight will exceed the landing point of the foot in the sand. Legs are not stiff and tense, but weak danlentur. So be prepared to bend the knee joint at the right time. This movement takes time (timing) is right.2. . Regulation of Long Jumpa). path prefix of the long jump 1.22 meters minimum width and length of 30-50 meters.

b). length repulsion board 1.22 meters, width 20 cm and 10 cm thick.
c). On the side close to where the board is placed mendaratharus clay to record the former foot jumper when he refused to do either to lack at least 1 meter from the sandbox tepidepan landing.
d). width of 2.75 meters minimum landing distance repulsion between the lines to the end point of a jump of at least 10 meters.
e). surface of the sand at the landing site must be the same height / flat side of the board repulsion denagn