The first material evidences for practising of
martial arts in Korea were founded in 1933 by archeologists in two
of the royal tombs of Koguryo dynasty - Kakjeyo-Chong and
Mion-Chong. These were frescoes showing two men practising Taek
Kyon (in Muyong-chong tomb) and two others wrestling (in
Kakshu-chong tomb) dated back to the year 3-427 A.D. The Japanese
historian Tatashi Saito in his book "A Study of the Culture of
Ancient Korea" writes: "These drawings show that the buried man has
practised Taekwondo in his life, or that the ancient people have
practised it along with dancing and singing to find peace for the
soul of the deceased one."
In the year 320 Piryu, the ruler of Paekche, ordered
a training centre of martial arts to be built in the capital town.
Each month in the time of full moon there were contests in riding,
fights with wooden sticks, hand-to-hand fights. The competitors
were trained at that school. The educational programme included
study of the Buddhistic doctrine and classic literature as
An important role for the development of the martial
arts, culture and history of Korea had the Military Order of Hwa
Rang. It was formed by the 24th king of Silla Chinghung Wang
(540-576) for the young sons of the aristocrats. They were trained
in perfect bow drawing and arrow shooting, fencing, riding, Taek
Kyon (the art of foot fighting), Subak (the art of hand fighting).
The Order had its Moral Code based on "The Five Orders" of the
Buddhistic monk Won Wang (590): loyalty to the king, devotion to
the parents, honesty to the friends, strenght in battles and using
the marshal art only in the name of justice. That turned the
training into a system for physical and spiritual mature called Hwa
Rang Do("The Way of the Flower of Mastery"). Hwa Rang means "The
Flower of Mastery" (Hwa - flower, blossom, Rang - a young master).
The Order represented the hope of the Koreans for a better future
(the flower was a symbol of glory, beauty and unity at that time).
There were between 500 and 5000 members in different periods. In
676 they helped Silla to unite The Three Kingdoms in a new country
- the United Silla. The fighters had fulfilled all hopes but later
in 900 the state was divided into three parts again.
There are two important
facts considering the development of the martial arts during the
rule of Chosun dynasty (1392-1910). The first one is that Subak
became more popular among the ordinary people unlike the time of
Koryo when it had been a privilege for the military men only. The
other significant event was the Martial Art Treatise "Muye Dobo
Tongji" written by Li Dok Moo in 1790 on the order of king Chongjo.
Te Kion, Subak and Sirum - the initial forms of Taekwondo, were the
basic theme of that work. The third king of I dynasty (1401-1408)
ordered to be found the masters of Taek Kyon, Subak and Sirum
(Korean wrestling) and they to train the soldiers of the Korean
army. In 1592 Japan occupied Korea. Followed the 7 years war
against the aggressors during which Taek Kyon fighters had rended
great services.
But when the period of Li
dynasty (1832-1910) came the martial arts were forbidden and their
masters were persecuted. Their practising was illegal but continued
in secret.
A great contribution
for the development of the modern Taekwondo has General Choi Hong
Hi. He was born on 9 November 1918. As a child Choi was a weak and
delicate boy. He began studying calligraphy. His teacher Han Il
Dong noticed the bad health of his young student and started
training him in Taek Kyon as well. Then Choi studied in Japan where
he attained the rank of 2nd degree black belt in Karate. After the
end of the Second World War he came back to his liberated country.
There he joined the army of the new Republic of Korea. As a company
commander he trained his soldiers in a fighting system combining
the techniques of Karate hand hits with Taek Kyon kicks. In those
days there were many different martial schools with great masters.
Choi Hong Hi worked hardly on his mastery perfection and organized
his own school. On 11 April 1955 a special board of the new Korean
martial art summoned by General Choi decided on the name of
Taekwondo which had been submitted by him. Some of the other
masters joined their schools to the newly formed structure. It is
unknown how many of the schools of that time went on their own way.
In 1959 the Korean Taekwondo Association was founded with Choi Hong
Hi as a vice-president. On the next year he was elected for
president. That was the time when Taekwodo was introduced to the
world. Each year a demo-team led by Choi Hong Hi performed
spectacular demonstrations. They won more and more people for the
great idea of Taekwondo.
On 22 March 1966 was
founded the International Taekwondo Federation (ITF). At the
beginning its members were Korea, Vietnam, Malaysia, Singapore, The
Federal Republic of Germany, USA, Turkey, Italy and Egypt.
On 28 May 1973 was
established the World Taekwondo Federation (WTF) with the
participation of 19 countries and the First World Competition took
place in Seoul, South Korea.
On 17 July 1980 WTF
was granted recognition by International Olympic Committee (IOC) at
the 83th General Session in Moscow.
On 17 September 1988
Taekwondo WTF was a demonstration sport of the 24th Olympiad in
Seoul with 192 competitors from over 35 nations.
On 30 July 1992
Taekwondo was a demonstration sport of the 25th Olympiad in
Barcelona with 128 competitors from over 30 nations
On 4 Septeber 1994
A dream becomes reality! - Taekwondo became an official
Olympic sport in Sidney 2000 Olympic Games at 103th IOC Session in